
EnBW Offshore-Windfarms North Sea: Helicopter Transport Services for the operational phase EnBW-2024-0036

Contracting party and service provider
BuyerOfficial name: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Registration number: DE222997913
Internet address (URL):
Postal address: Durlacher Allee 93
Postcode / Town: 76131 Karlsruhe
NUTS code: DE122
Country: Deutschland
Telephone: +49 71128983675
Activity of the contracting authority: Mit Strom zusammenhängende Tätigkeiten
 Group leader: Yes
Central purchasing body awarding public contracts or concluding framework agreements for works, supplies or services intended for other buyers: Nein
Central purchasing body acquiring supplies and/or services intended for other buyers: Nein
Legal basisDirective 2014/24/EU
DescriptionInternal identifier: EnBW-2024-0036
Title: EnBW Offshore-Windfarms North Sea: Helicopter Transport Services for the operational phase
Description: Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) is Germany's third largest energy supplier. EnBW operates offshore wind farms in the German North Sea (Hohe See and Albatros) and in the Baltic Sea (Baltic 1 and Baltic 2). The third North Sea Offshore Windfarm, named He Dreiht, is currently under construction and is expected to become fully operational by the beginning of 2026. He Dreiht is located in the immediate vicinity of the existing EnBW Hohe See Wind Park.

All EnBW farms in the North Sea are installed and operated in the western North Sea within the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The area of the offshore wind farms is located approximately - 51 nm / 94 km north-west of Borkum and approx. 59 nm / 110 km west of Helgoland.

The Employer plans to use helicopters for the offshore-onshore transport of personnel including personnel luggage in the contract period. In individual cases, and after consultation with the helicopter service provider, cargo, including dangerous goods, is also to be transported by helicopter.

The Contractor shall provide a helicopter that is approved to fly within the German and Dutch airspace as well as fulfil all statutory requirements to work as an offshore helicopter. Furthermore, the Contractor shall provide - as additional service (optional) - sufficient PPE for Employer’s personnel according to Employer’s SchuSiKos.

A permanent chartering of a helicopter throughout the entire contract phase is not envisaged by EnBW. Instead, a framework agreement is to be agreed.

The helicopter must be able to approach the Hohe See OSS helicopter landing deck as well as the neighbouring wind farms (such as BARD Offshore 1 or Global Tech I) and converter stations (BorWin Gamma, BorWin Beta) of the transition grid operations. In individual cases, installation vessels or Service operation vessels (SOVs) with helidecks are also to be approached.

The helicopter must be capable of performing helicopter hoist operations (HHO) to winch areas of offshore turbines of the wind farms Hohe See, Albatros and He Dreiht as well as to SOVs.

The helicopter must be able to winch material to and from vessels, platforms and offshore turbines.

The preferred airport is Emden. Other airports are possible.

Start of the planned framework agreement is 01.04.2025 and it will last until 31.03.2032.
Nature of the contract: Dienstleistungen
Scope of the procurementEstimated value excluding VAT (in Euro): 5.000.000,00 EUR
Maximum value of the framework agreement excluding VAT (in euros): 6.000.000,00 EUR
Main classification  
 CPV Code Main Body: 60440000-4
Place of performancePostal address: Fischertwiete 1
Postcode / Town: 20095 Hamburg
Country: Deutschland
Further place of performance
Postal address:
Postcode / Town:
NUTS code: DE942
Country: Deutschland
Tendering terms  
Exclusion grounds
Reason: Rein nationale Ausschlussgründe
Description: All exclusion reasons stated in Sections 123, 124 GWB apply.

Cross-border law  
ProcedureType of procedure: Verhandlungsverfahren mit Teilnahmewettbewerb
Additional informationAdditional information: - Execution must be in accordance with the EnBW Supplier Code of Conduct.
- No listing of the company or representatives of the company on sanctions or terrorism lists of the EU, the UK, the USA and Canada.
- Obligation that the contractor is registered in the client's purchasing system and that order processing (ordering, communication, ...) runs via this infrastructure.
Procurement information (general)
Previous notice on this procedure (prior information, ...)  
Terms of the auctionAn electronic auction is used: Nein
Contracting systemIt is a framework agreement: Framework agreement with several operators
 Information on the dynamic procurement system: Not applicable
Tendering terms  
Selection criteria  
Direct link to document with selection criteria (URL):
CandidatesThe procedure will take place in successive stages. At each stage, some participants may be eliminated: Ja
Information about late submissionSubsequent demand for documents: Eine Nachforderung von Unterlagen nach Fristablauf ist nicht ausgeschlossen.
Additional information: The contracting entity reserves the right to request documents at any stage of the procurement procedure within the framework of the legal regulations.
A certain legal form must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract: Nein
Legal form that must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract: Jointly and severally liability
 Reserved participation
Participation is reserved to organisations pursuing a public service mission and fulfilling other relevant conditions in the legislation: Nein

Participation is reserved to sheltered workshops and economic operators aiming at the social and professional integration of disabled or disadvantaged persons: Nein
VariantsVariants are permitted: Nein
Information about recurrence  
 This is a recurrent procurement: Nein
Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Ja
Requirements for contract executionThe execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: Nein
Electronic invoicing: Ja
Conditions relating to the performance of the contract: - execution must be in accordance with the EnBW Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Compliance with the Landestariftreue- und Mindestlohngesetz (LTMG).
- No listing of the company or representatives of the company on sanctions or terrorism lists of the EU, the UK, the USA and Canada.
- Obligation that the contractor is registered in the client's purchasing system and that order processing (ordering, communication, ...) runs via this infrastructure
RequirementsThe names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Nicht erforderlich
Post award processElectronic ordering will be used: Ja
Electronic payment will be used: Ja
Financial arrangement Financial arrangement: Within 14 days of receipt of invoice at EnBW with 3% discount or within 30 days net.
Organisation receiving tenders  
Submission info  
Deadlines I  
Deadline for receipt of requests to participate: 22.10.2024 15:00 Uhr
Tender validity  
Submission languageLanguages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: ENG, DEU
Information about public opening  
 -not applicable-
Financial quaranteeA guarantee is required: Nein
Submission methodElectronic submission: Ja
Address for submission (URL):
 The order documents are available free of charge for unrestricted and complete direct access at (URL):
Binding language version of the tender documents: DEU
Ad hoc Communication channel  
Organisation providing additional informationthe abovementioned address
Deadlines for reviewInformation about review deadlines: Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: According to Section 160 (1) GWB, the public procurement chamber initiates a review only on request.
An application may, inter alia, be inadmissible if the candidate has not complained in due time of the alleged infringement of public procurement rules. Infringements recognized in the award procedure must be notified to the tendering company within ten calendar days (§ 160 (3) no. 1 GWB).
Infringements of procurement rules, which are recognizable on the basis of the notice, must be notified at the latest by the end of the participation period (§ 160 (3) no. 2 GWB). Infringements that can only be identified in the tender documents must be notified at the latest by the end of the offer period (§ 160 (3) no. 3 GWB). Furthermore, the petition for review is inadmissible if more than 15
calendar days have elapsed after receipt of the notification of the issuing undertaking to refuse to remedy a complaint (sec. 160 (3) no. 4 GWB)
Review organisationOfficial name: Vergabekammer Baden-Württemberg
Registration number: t:07219268730
Postal address: Durlacher Allee 100
Postcode / Town: 76137 Karlsruhe
NUTS code: DE122
Country: Deutschland$%string_is_not_empty_end$
Telephone: +49 721-926-8730
Fax: +49 721-926-3985
Organisation providing review information
Country: $%string_is_not_empty_end$
Mediation organisation
Country: $%string_is_not_empty_end$
Procurement information (specific)
Description of the procurementDescription: Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) is Germany's third largest energy supplier. EnBW operates offshore wind farms in the German North Sea (Hohe See and Albatros) and in the Baltic Sea (Baltic 1 and Baltic 2). The third North Sea Offshore Windfarm, named He Dreiht, is currently under construction and is expected to become fully operational by the beginning of 2026. He Dreiht is located in the immediate vicinity of the existing EnBW Hohe See Wind Park.

All EnBW farms in the North Sea are installed and operated in the western North Sea within the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The area of the offshore wind farms is located approximately - 51 nm / 94 km north-west of Borkum and approx. 59 nm / 110 km west of Helgoland.

The Employer plans to use helicopters for the offshore-onshore transport of personnel including personnel luggage in the contract period. In individual cases, and after consultation with the helicopter service provider, cargo, including dangerous goods, is also to be transported by helicopter.

The Contractor shall provide a helicopter that is approved to fly within the German and Dutch airspace as well as fulfil all statutory requirements to work as an offshore helicopter. Furthermore, the Contractor shall provide - as additional service (optional) - sufficient PPE for Employer’s personnel according to Employer’s SchuSiKos.

A permanent chartering of a helicopter throughout the entire contract phase is not envisaged by EnBW. Instead, a framework agreement is to be agreed.

The helicopter must be able to approach the Hohe See OSS helicopter landing deck as well as the neighbouring wind farms (such as BARD Offshore 1 or Global Tech I) and converter stations (BorWin Gamma, BorWin Beta) of the transition grid operations. In individual cases, installation vessels or Service operation vessels (SOVs) with helidecks are also to be approached.

The helicopter must be capable of performing helicopter hoist operations (HHO) to winch areas of offshore turbines of the wind farms Hohe See, Albatros and He Dreiht as well as to SOVs.

The helicopter must be able to winch material to and from vessels, platforms and offshore turbines.

The preferred airport is Emden. Other airports are possible.

Start of the planned framework agreement is 01.04.2025 and it will last until 31.03.2032.
Scope of the procurementThis contract is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises:: Nein
Type of procurementType of strategic procurement:
 Procurement falls within the scope of the European Parliament and the Council 2009/33/EC (Clean Vehicles Directive - CVD):: Nein
Estimated duration

Start: 01.04.2025 End: 31.03.2032
Renewal of the contract
Maximum renewals: 0
Government Procurement AgreementThe procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Ja
Use of EU fundsThe procurement is at least partially financed by European Union funds: Nein
Information on the framework agreement  
Additional information  
Tendering terms  
Award criteriaQuality criterion
Name: Flight Concept, Weighting: 20,00
Cost criterion
Name: Price, Weighting: 60,00
Name: Conditions of Contract, Weighting: 20,00
Electronic catalogElectronic catalog: Nein