
Combined Transformer 123 kV AIS (Air Insulated Switchgear) EnBW-2024-0052

Contracting party and service provider
BuyerOfficial name: Netze BW GmbH
Registration number: DE200335418
Internet address (URL): https://www.enbw.com
Postal address: Schelmenwasenstr. 15
Postcode / Town: 70567 Stuttgart
NUTS code: DE122
Country: Deutschland
E-mail: v.rueb@enbw.com
Telephone: 000
Activity of the contracting authority: Mit Strom zusammenhängende Tätigkeiten
 Group leader: Yes
Central purchasing body awarding public contracts or concluding framework agreements for works, supplies or services intended for other buyers: Nein
Central purchasing body acquiring supplies and/or services intended for other buyers: Nein
Legal basisDirective 2014/24/EU
DescriptionInternal identifier: EnBW-2024-0052
Title: Combined Transformer 123 kV AIS (Air Insulated Switchgear)
Description: Netze BW is seeking requests for participation for high-quality combined current and voltage transformers for our 123 kV applications. Companies with the capability to meet our technical specifications are invited to submit their requests for participation. This qualification system contains critical electrical data and implementation guidelines to ensure performance, safety, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure.
Nature of the contract: Lieferungen
Scope of the procurement  
Main classification  
 CPV Code Main Body: 31173000-9
 Other CPV code main parts: 31170000-8
Place of performance
NUTS code: DE111
Country: Deutschland
Additional information  
Procurement information (general)
Previous notice on this procedure (prior information, ...)  
Terms of the auctionAn electronic auction is used:
Tendering terms  
Selection criteria  
 Suitability for professional practice: See direct link to eligibility criteria for the qualification system

Economic and financial capacity: See direct link to eligibility criteria for the qualification system

Technical and professional performance: See direct link to eligibility criteria for the qualification system

Direct link to document with eligibility criteria (URL): https://www.tender24.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-19034802d52-307b8856fd103bd3
Information about late submissionSubsequent demand for documents: Eine Nachforderung von Unterlagen nach Fristablauf ist nicht ausgeschlossen.
Additional information: The contracting entity reserves the right to request documents at any stage of the tendering procedure within the framework of the legally applicable regulations.
 Reserved participation
Participation is reserved to sheltered workshops and economic operators aiming at the social and professional integration of disabled or disadvantaged persons: Nein
Requirements for contract executionThe execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: Nein
Electronic invoicing: Ja
Conditions relating to the performance of the contract: - Execution must be in accordance with the Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Compliance with the German National Collective Labour Agreement and Minimum Wage Act (LTMG).
- No listing of the company or representatives of the company on sanctions or terrorism lists of the EU, the UK, the USA and Canada.
- Obligation that the contractor is registered in the client's purchasing system and that the order processing (ordering, communication, ...) will be carried out via this infrastructure
RequirementsThe names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Noch nicht bekannt
Post award processElectronic ordering will be used: Ja
Electronic payment will be used: Ja
Organisation receiving tendersto the following address:
Official name: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Registration number: DE812334050

Postal address: Durlacher Allee 93
Postcodel / Town: 76131 Karlsruhe
NUTS code: DE122
Country: Deutschland$%string_is_not_empty_end$
E-mail: v.rueb@enbw.com
Telephone: 000
Submission info  
Submission languageLanguages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: DEU, ENG
Submission methodElectronic submission: Ja
Address for submission (URL): https://www.tender24.de
 The order documents are available free of charge for unrestricted and complete direct access at (URL): https://www.tender24.de/NetServer/TenderingProcedureDetails?function=_Details&TenderOID=54321-Tender-19034802d52-307b8856fd103bd3
Binding language version of the tender documents: DEU
Ad hoc Communication channel  
Organisation providing additional informationthe abovementioned address
Deadlines for reviewInformation about review deadlines: It is pointed out that an application for review is inadmissible if

- the applicant became aware of the claimed violation of public procurement provisions before filing the application for review, but did not complain to the contracting entity within a time limit of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the time limit under Section 134(2) remains unaffected,

- violations of public procurement provisions which become apparent from the tender notice are not notified to the contracting entity by the end of the time limit for the application or the submission of a tender specified in the notice,

- violations of public procurement provisions which only become apparent from the procurement documents are not notified to the contracting entity by the end of the time limit for the application or the submission of a tender specified in the notice,

- more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting entity that it is unwilling to redress the objection.
Review organisationOfficial name: Vergabekammer Baden-Württemberg
Registration number: t:07219268730
Postal address: Durlacher Allee 100
Postcode / Town: 76137 Karlsruhe
NUTS code: DE122
Country: Deutschland$%string_is_not_empty_end$
E-mail: vergabekammer@rpk.bwl.de
Telephone: +49 7219268730
Fax: +49 7219263985
Organisation providing review information
Country: $%string_is_not_empty_end$
Mediation organisation
Country: $%string_is_not_empty_end$
Procurement information (specific)
Description of the procurementDescription: Netze BW is seeking requests for participation for high-quality combined current and voltage transformers for our 123 kV applications. Companies with the capability to meet our technical specifications are invited to submit their requests for participation. This qualification system contains critical electrical data and implementation guidelines to ensure performance, safety, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. Below are the summarized technical requirements and guidelines:

**Electrical Specifications:**
- **Highest Voltage Um:** 123 kV
- **Rated Power-Frequency Withstand Voltage:** 230 kV
- **Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage:** 550 kV
- **Rated Frequency:** 50 Hz
- **Rated Voltage Factor:** 1.9 Un for 8 hours
- **Rated Short-Time Thermal Current Ith:** 40 kA (effective)
- **Rated Dynamic Current Idyn:** 100 kA (peak value)
- **Earthquake Resistance:** Zone 4, Horizontal Accelerations of 0.1 g
- **Stationary Test Forces:** Static load - 3,000 N, Dynamic load - 5,000 N
- **Gas Filling:** Synthetic air (N2 + O2) or an approved alternative insulating gas with a GWP of less than 1.

**Design and Construction Requirements:**
- **Low-Tilt Design:** Transformers must minimize relaxation oscillations and transient oscillations. Proof of performance can be requested.
- **Composite Insulators:** Required for gas-filled transformers, GRP pipes with epoxy resin impregnation, and silicone shielding that forms an inseparable bond. Prefabricated screens must not be bonded; silicone screens should be cast onto the GRP pipe.

**Implementation Guidelines:**

**Type 1:** Combined Current and Voltage Transformers for Outdoor Installations (Line, Coupling, and Feeder Field)
1. **Current Transformer:**
- Core 1 & Core 2: Metering, Ratio 4x300 / 1 A, 10 VA, Class 0.1, FS 10, Overcurrent factor: Ext. 200%
- Core 3: Measuring, Ratio 4x300 / 1 A, 5 VA, Class 0.5, FS 10, Overcurrent factor: Ext. 240%
- Core 4 & Core 5: Protection, Ratio 4x600 / 1 A, 5 W, TPZ, KSSC = 34, TP = 50 ms

2. **Voltage Transformer:**
- Ratio: 110.000√3 V / 1003-√ V / 1003-√ V / 100√3 V
- Windings:
- Winding 1 & 2: Metering, 15 VA, Class 0.1
- Winding 3: Measuring and Protection, 25 VA, Class 0.5

**Type 2:** Combined Current and Voltage Transformers for Outdoor Installations (110/MS Transformer Feeder Field)
1. **Current Transformer:**
- Core 1 & Core 2: Metering, Ratio 4x150 / 1 A, 10 VA, Class 0.1, FS 10, Overcurrent factor: Ext. 200%
- Core 3: Measuring, Ratio 4x150 / 1 A, 5 VA, Class 0.5, FS 10, Overcurrent factor: Ext. 240%
- Core 4 & Core 5: Protection, Ratio 4x300 / 1 A, 5 W, TPZ, KSSC = 17, TP = 50 ms

2. **Voltage Transformer:**
- Ratio: 110.000√3 V / 1003-√ V / 1003-√ V / 100√3 V
- Windings:
- Winding 1 & 2: Metering, 15 VA, Class 0.1
- Winding 3: Measuring and Protection, 25 VA, Class 0.5

**Type 3:** Combined Current and Voltage Transformers for Outdoor Installations (Line, Coupling, and Feeder Field)
1. **Current Transformer:**
- Core 1: Measuring, Ratio 4x300 / 1 A, 5 VA, Class 0.5, FS 10, Overcurrent factor: Ext. 240%
- Core 2: Protection, Ratio 4x600 / 1 A, 5 W, TPZ, KSSC = 34, TP = 50 ms

2. **Voltage Transformer:**
- Ratio: 110.000√3 V / 1003-√ V
- Windings:
- Winding 1: Measuring and Protection, 25 VA, Class 0.5

**Important Keywords:**
123 kV Transformers, Combined Current and Voltage Transformers, High Voltage Transformers, Outdoor Installation Transformers, Earthquake Resistant Transformers, Synthetic Air Insulated Transformers, Low-Tilt Design Transformers, Composite Insulators Transformers, Netze BW RFP.

We look forward to receiving your request for participation and potential partnerships.
Scope of the procurementThis procurement is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Nein
Type of procurementType of strategic procurement:
Estimated duration

Renewal of the contractMaximum renewals: 2
Description: The client reserves the right to extend each individual contract by two times 12 months on this basis of the qualification system.
Government Procurement AgreementThe procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Ja
Use of EU fundsThe procurement is at least partially financed by European Union funds: Nein
Additional information  
Tendering terms  
Award criteria